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PCB Company UK specializes in PCB design. We transform your design ideas into reality with an effective printed circuit board that makes it easier for you to market your product. With a team of experienced personnel, and backed by the best CAD/CAM PCB Design Packages, we produce PCB designs that conform to the latest international standards. Visit our website today, or simply give us a call with your requirements.

Our Capabilities

Whether your product requires a simple single-sided PCB or a complicated multi-layered one, we will take up your project with the same care. We design all types of PCBs, including:

Let us know your requirement today, and let us handle it from there.

pcb design uk

Our Design Process

Schematic Drawing

Typically, the design process begins with drawing the schematic. If you already have a complete schematic, we can use it. We can use a printout, a PDF file, or any other drawing file you can offer.

Even if you have only a hand-drawn schematic, we will use that and create an electronic version.

Once completed, we will offer you the schematic and the netlist, along with our own report for your review. We will proceed further only after we have your confirmation.

Bill of Materials

Along with the schematic, we will also generate the Bill of Materials. We will forward the BOM to you for review. We will require your concurrence on the component types, their manufacturers, and their packages.

Board Layout

Before starting this process, we will need a detailed outline of the PCB from you. It may be in a print form or an electronic file, both are acceptable to us. We will use this as the base to start the layout process.

We begin with the PCB CAD program you recommend. After downloading the footprints of all components in the BOM, we make a tentative layout within the PCB outline.

As this process requires close interaction with the customer for completion, we will be in close touch with you for all the steps. We will require your feedback regarding the positioning of sensitive components, positioning of connectors, track layout for impedance control, and similar.

Our engineers will advise you about possible EMI/EMC issues, and how to solve them. We will also hold DFA/DFM reviews, and forward our reports to you. Our reports will contain suggestions for improving the layout, making it easier to assemble and manufacture, and more.

We will make necessary changes to the design, and forward all electronic files to you, including Gerber files.

Advantages of PCB Design With PCB Company UK

Allowing PCB Company UK to design your PCBs has several advantages, such as:

  • Highly trained and experienced staff
  • State-of-the-art software and hardware
  • Dedicated team for your project
  • Constant interaction to reduce bottlenecks
  • Fast turnaround
  • Conforming to International standards
  • We design all types of boards

If you are looking to design a PCB for your project, you can safely offload your requirement to us. We have the experience and capability to handle any type of design and complete it within a short time. Visit our contact us page or call us today and let us know your requirements.